Saturday, January 21, 2012


I was watching a movie recently and the characters were asking each other when they first felt like they were truly men. Some talk about the moment they were legal and could drink.  Others talked about turning sixteen and having the freedom to drive.  Another states that he was fourteen and his father had to leave for three months and told him he was now a man and had to care for the family. 

Being a man can mean different things. The true meaning of a man lies in the heart of the individual to choose to follow and respect God's wishes. Being a man, or lady, of God means that we hold each other to higher standards. We accept those around us for who they are, and help to bring them closer to God. While I am by no means perfect and do not claim to have the answers to all questions, I can only hope that what I share will in some way give you insight to one man's life.     

My hope is that you will see the struggles of what a man of God goes through in all aspects of life and to be able to see what God can do not only during times of joy, but through times of sadness and heartache.  Maybe, just maybe, God will speak to you in reading this and provide that little bit of inspiration needed for you to reach out to your fellow man to help them.

I hope you enjoy what is written.  If not, well, pray that the next posting will be better!